
School Management system

Main Heads

Master Data

Master data is a one time entry help users to maintain, student info, fees info, transportation, exam marks, attendance, library, stock, accounts (minimum), employee details, and more


Transaction is a daily activity which help users to manage. student attendance, feecollection, exam time table, library book issue, material issue, employee salary statement and more


Reports help users to take a print out related to student information, fees related information, exam progress reports and graphical performance, bus information, library book issued information, stock reports,employee pay slip and more


Utility help users to enter school information, term details, user password assignment, student photo capture, employee photo capture, promotion, general settings and more


Accounts help users to maintain voucher genaration, income and expenses details, trail balance, profit and loss accounts and other Miscellaneous reports


Short messaging service (sms) help users to send sms by using desktop and mobile to parents, teachers and guardian bulk and individual 24/7. approved messages ex: student enquiry, admission, fee payment, fee defaulters, birthday wishes, attendance, holidays, festival wishes, scheduled sms and more. view sms reports

Main Modules

Student Module

Manage all students data

Fees Modules

Manage Fees

Examination Module

Manage Examination details including timetable and exam dates

Attendance Module

Manage student attendance by class and sections

Library Module

Manage library staff and books distribution

Employee Module

Manage school employees including teaching and non teaching staff

Material Module

Manage school inventory

Accounts (minium)

Manage accounts

Short Messaging Service (SMS)

Main Heads

Short Messaging Service (SMS)

Short messaging service (sms) help users to send sms by using desktop and mobile to parents, teachers and guardian bulk and individual 24/7. approved messages ex: student enquiry, admission, fee payment, fee defaulters, birthday wishes, attendance, holidays, festival wishes, scheduled sms and more. view sms reports

Mobile Application

Main Heads

Mobile Application

Mobile app for parents to get information about the child, fees, attendance, home work, exam results, teacher remarks, circulars, calendar through notification

Web Designing

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Web Designing

We provide intractive web designing and development to our clients.

a satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all